Last updated on 28 juin 2024
In addition to semester-long general French courses, Cief offers annual specialty courses: DU FOU - Diplôme Universitaire de Français sur Objectifs Universitaires. : DU FOU - University Diploma of French for University purposes.
Attention : To enroll in DU FOU you need to prove you have reached the level B1 (indipendent / intermediate) of French.

DU FOU's aim is to improve student's French language skills, but also to allow students to develop specific language skills related to academic purposes (communication, economics, art...). These annual courses prepare students to academic studies in France : every diploma offers specific classes, according to the program chosen. A methodology class allow students to discover French University rules and techniques.

DU FOU Annual courses :
Key informations
DU FOU/CEM « Communication and Media »
Duration 546 hours / year
Tuition 3 750 €
Prerequisites B1 level of French language and 1 year of studies in a communication academic program
This annual course is focused on communication and the knowledge of how media works. This course allow student to develop specific skills in French language and to prepare for academic studies in France.
DU FOU/ALISE « Arts, Langue, Image, Scène, Espace
Duration 546 hours / year
Tuition 3 950 €
Prerequisites B1 level of French language and 2 years of studies in an art academic program (art, visual art, theater...)
This annual course is focused on a reflexion on the theory and practice of arts disciplines. These course allows students to develop specific skills in order to prepare them for art studies in France : visual semiotics, art history, design, history of cinema, etc.
DU FOU/ME « Management and Economis »
Duration 546 hours / year
Tuition 3 750 €
Prerequisites B1 level of French language and 1 year of studies in economics and management academic program
This course offers specific economics classes like company management and international economics.
Academic methodology classes prepare students for academic studies.
Prerequisite to enroll annual courses
  • About your French language skills
    To enroll in DU FOU you need to prove you have reached the level B1 (indipendent / intermediate) as it is defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, validated by the obtention of a DELF B1 Certificate, a University Diploma « DUEF B1 », the TCF test (score 399 minimum) or the TEF test (score 540 minimum).
  • Specific prerequisites
  • 1 or 2 years of studies in an academic program related with the academic field of study of each annual course. The prerequisites will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis considering all supporting documents included in the preregistration.
  • NB : the Cief keep the option of veryfing these prerequisites and, if the student doesn't have all the prerequisites he need, Cief can propose complementary language courses or specific academic courses.

Pre-registration for annual CIEF courses is only possible from March to May, with courses starting in September.

Pre-registration must be done online via the eCandidat Lyon 2 platform. The necessary documents must be submitted on the platform before the end of the pre-registration campaign. Documents are accepted in French, English and Spanish.
CIEF reserves the right to request additional documents.

Please note: applications will not be accepted by post or e-mail.

List of documents to be submitted on the platform:

  • passport (identity page only) ;
  • high school diploma, accompanied, if applicable, by a letter of admission to university, or post-graduate diploma;
  • a CV and a letter describing your study plans;
  • a €100 administration fee, to be paid by bank transfer to the account of Université Lyon 2. You must provide proof of the transfer. Please note that if you are a refugee, an asylum seeker or under subsidiary protection, you are exempt from the paiement of this administration fee.
  • certification of your level of French (DELF, DALF, TCF, TEF...).

For more information on the pre-registration process, please go to: Online pre-registration